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Image To Base64 Encoder

開発者 Martin Albrecht

ImageToBase64 is a simple, secure, free-to-use image encoding utility that lets you convert your local image files to base64 code for use in HTML image tags, emails, etc.
The program runs completely offline, so your data is not exposed and no network connection is required.

- Simple: Simply drag & drop your image on the app window or dock icon - thats all. It just works.
- Secure: No data transmissions, tracking, or data mining - what happens on your device, stays on your device.
- Fast: No fancy bloating stuff. The app only includes what it needs.


- Supported image formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, HEIF and SVG
- Encode to PNG, JPG, or SVG (if the input file was SVG) base64 code
- Show generated code directly in data URL format
- Copy the base64 automatically to your clipboard